“MUSLIM FRIENDS” is a case study or group of Muslim students from junior high schools, high schools and universities in Kabupaten Subang. Vessel was a result of the continuation (follw up) activities Pesantren Ramadhan (Pandan) Masjid Al Islam Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia Kabupaten Subang in 2004. Then on the next activity Pesantren Ramadhan 2006, on the initiative of the participants to learn, this group is given the name of Muslim Friends of room actualization, creativity and learning Muslim youth, under the protection of the Board of Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia Kabupaten Subang and bermaskaz in Masjid Al-Islam Jl. Seroja no. 14 Sukarahyu Subang.

Management Muslim groups held by the Friends pengader young Da’wah Council of Regency of Subang and assisted by some campus activists. While the existence of the group Muslim Friends of selectivity in some schools in cities such as Subang; SMAN I, I SMKN, PGRI I, Junior 4, SMK BVI, SMA III, etc. Tsanawiyah.

Areas formed in the body of Muslim Friends include:

1. Field of Research and Planning
2. Intellectual field and Training, and
3. Line of Business

At the age that is still very young, Muslim Friends has been doing many activities such as:

1. Study of routine every Saturday
2. Studies da’wah and around the school campus as a place friendship
3. Study of surgical books every two weeks
4. Procurement of library books Muslim Friends
5. Life skills training
6. Publishing bulletin Muslim Friends
7. Distribution of teachers TPA / Q
8. Rihlah / Out Bond
9. Bazar books, and
10. Bakti social

The Programs Unggulan Muslim Friends under development are:

Islamic Life Motivation Training

(Training the Spirit of Life Islamic)

Islamic Life Skills

(Islamic Living Skills)

Islaimic Knowladge & Scientific

(Islamization of Science)

Islamic Brotherhood Spirit

(Spirit Ukhuwwah Islamiyah)

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